Pug in Bee Costume Says: I Bee hot on the trail to Halloween Treats!  
MimiMemeMe.com - Dog Jokes, Canine Humor, Arfing Funny!

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And while you're here, please take a moment to visit our sponsors:

'Cause Dog Kibble, Cat Food, Bird Seed... Thanks!


Tasty Dog Food Jokes & Yummy Canine Comedy Treats Memes

Mimi's Kitchen: Funny Dog Food Jokes 20
Funny Dog Food Jokes to Drool Over, Canine Humor Bites, Dog Riddles to Eat Up. Good Dog!
Woofing Funny Dog Jokes 12345 6789101112

Husky Husky Asks: Did somebody say Cookies? Yummy Doggie Memes
Big Nose Dog Says: I Smell Bacon! Delicious Doggie Humor
Dog Joke: what do you call a frozen dog? A Pup-Sicle! Delicious Sled Dog Joke

Funny dog prefers peanut butter or bacon cookies, but he realizes that fortune cookies are rich sources of humor.

    Drool never lies! Dog loves to cook up the comedy, but he loves it more when you cook up that bacon! Yum.     Snow dogs think ice cold humor is a real treat. Plus, bitches think they're cool.  

Funny Dog Riddle: What is a dog's favorite breakfast? Woofles! Dogs Eat Up Woofles!
Smart Dog Says: I don't eat homework, unless that's the assignment. Tasty Dog Laughs
Dog Joke: In my younger days, I drank too much Pupsi-Cola! Thirst Quenching Dog Puns

It's no big mystery that dogs will eat anything for breakfast, lunch, dinner or as a snack. But, their favorite breakfast treat is Woofles!


Funny dog is a straight A student of smart canine comedy, plus he'll always give you an alibi even if he's a scapegoat. Baa.

    Now the caffeine keeps this dog comic up at night, but that's when he does his best stand-up routine. Another vicious circle that explains why dogs chase their tales.  

Smiling Dog Says: Easygoing dogs like Kibbles & Bytes High-Tech Dog Treats
Dog Humor: When I ate nothing but garlic, my bark was worse than my bite Stinking Funny Dog Joke
Drooling Dog Says: I didn't take your sandwich. Sneaky cat did it! Tasty Dog Humor

Funny dogs eat up a diet of online canine comedy, bit by bit. Their slogan is: "Byte Me." That's probably their password, too?


Odorous humor is just one component of doggie breath. Trees everywhere think this joke is hilarious, but 4 out 5 dentists don't get the joke – because they've become nose blind.

    Obedient dog is literate graduate who's abhorred by the commercial usage of the term sammich. Cats don't know the dif, but cats don't get to go through the drive-thru.  

More Funny Dog Jokes 12345 6789101112

Wait... It Sniffs Funny Over Here, Too!

Less Traveled Trails to Funny Dogs, Cat Jokes, Pet Riddles, Birthday Humor:

Dog Breed JokesCat vs Dog HumorParrot PunsAnimal FAQsHappy Purr-Day
Bearly FunnyGood SignsCosmic SmartsWise WordsMewy Holidays!
Funny Dog RiddlesCandid Cat AnswersBird JokesHappy Birthday, Human!

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