Smart Dog Says: I don't eat homework, unless that's the assignment. - Dog Jokes, Canine Humor, Arfing Funny! - Home Page
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ArF-ing Funny Dog Jokes & Clever Canine Comedy Memes

Mimi's Doghouse: Funny Dog Jokes 4
Funny Dog Jokes to Drool Over, Clever Canine Humor, Dog Puns to Howl About, Good Dog!
Woofing Funny Dog Jokes 12345 6789101112

Dog Joke: During the winter, I always wear my coat. During the summer, my coat with pants! Well-Dressed Dog Humor
Malamute and Dog Hair Dogs: Just brushed the dog, and found his secret family. Furry Funny Dog Meme
Dog Joke: I graduated obedience school with a pedigree! Pure Bred Canine Humor

Weather or not you think predictable dog jokes are humorous, uniformly funny dog memes are not a global possibility unless your dog does stand-up at the equator.

    Dogs have a lot of hilarious things to uncover, but a secret family is not one most human's would anticipate. Well, not until you've thoroughly combed out your snow dog in the spring...     Learned comedian dogs know how to behave funny, but they don't endorse any particular brand of dog food, without a stipend, because they're not foolish.  

Demented Dog Says: I enjoy hiding your left sock. Another of life's mysteries explained. Mysterious Dog Mischief
Dog Humor: I met a new dog who sounded like a horse? He was a real dog & pony show! Neigh-borly Dog Humor
Laughing Dog Says: LOL! LMAO! Even though that's such an old joke! Big Dog Laughs

Elvis has left the building. Dogs named Elvis really hate this joke, and we still don't know where your right sock is... Lint it to the dog.


Comic dog performs a sound stand-up routine, but hay never gets in the way of oater jokes because that's not in his field.

    Funny social dogs think abbreviated laughs are funnier than long howls because they don't want to eat up data; they'd rather eat up cookies.  

Drunken Looking Dog Says: I swear, the St. Bernard gave me the keg. Beery Funny Dog Jokes
Big Nose Dog Says: I Smell Bacon! Delicious Doggie Humor
Demented Dog Says: I smell trouble. Stinking Funny Canine LOL

Big dogs command big laughs, but dog blaming and dog shaming are two different jokes. However, drunken dog jokes are beery funny, even if PETA wines about it.


Drool never lies! Dog loves to cook up the comedy, but he loves it more when you cook up that bacon! Yum.

    When your dog smells trouble, you should definitely listen! Dogs have 50 times the olfactory receptors of humans, and they're more intuitive to universal humor.  

More Funny Dog Jokes 12345 6789101112

Wait... It Sniffs Funny Over Here, Too!

Less Traveled Trails to Funny Dogs, Cat Jokes, Pet Riddles, Birthday Humor:

Dog Breed JokesCat vs Dog HumorParrot PunsAnimal FAQsHappy Purr-Day
Bearly FunnyGood SignsCosmic SmartsWise WordsMewy Holidays!
Funny Dog RiddlesCandid Cat AnswersBird JokesHappy Birthday, Human!

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