Dog Riddle: What dog breed does a mad scientist prefer? A Laboratory Retriever - Dog Jokes, Canine Humor, Arfing Funny! - Home Page
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ArF-ing Funny Dog Jokes & Woofing Hilarious Canine Comedy Memes

Mimi's Doghouse: Funny Dog Jokes 8
Funny Dog Jokes to Howl Over, Rabid Canine Humor, Dog Puns to Arf About, Good Dog!
Woofing Funny Dog Jokes 12345 6789101112

Smart Dog Says: I don't eat homework, unless that's the assignment. Tasty Dog Laughs
Negative Dog Says: Woof Woof Woof. Ok, I'm done ranting now. Woofing Funny Dog Jokes
Worst Dog Photo Ever: Why do only embarrassing photos get plastered all over social media? Funny Dog Memes to Share

Funny dog is a straight A student of smart canine comedy, plus he'll always give you an alibi even if he's a scapegoat. Baa.

    Fun-loving dogs know when it's time to vent, but after they're done with the rant, all is forgiven. Too bad humans don't move on as quickly...     Dogs know plaster does belong on your wall, so it looks like that's the reason you're tagged at Facebook. But only parrots can explain those embarrassing tweets.  

Crafty Girl Dog Says: Pinterest is interfering with our quality time. Funny Dog Boards
Drunk Looking Dog Says: At parties, I'm a howling wild dancer because I've got 2 left feet. Howling Party Dog Jokes
Nosey Dog Says: Facebook is interferiing with our quality time. Friendly Dog Humor

Bored dog wants to stick it to you when you're posting too many pins, although he does enjoy the dog treat recipes and funny dog jokes you post at Pinterest.


Crazy hoofing dog left you behind on the dance floor. And, that's why dog dancing is more popular than ever in Texas. However cool dogs prefer round dancing and line dances more than square dancing.

    Friendly dog wants more FaceTime with you, but he buried his cell when he had a bone to pick with some bitch on Facebook.  

Smiling Dog Says: Excuse me, but my tennis ball went under the couch again. Polite Dog Humor
Husky Husky Asks: Did somebody say Cookies? Yummy Doggie Memes
Happy Dog Says: My human is dog's best friend Loverly Dog Memes

Funny dog is always a good sport who prefers a polite punch line. And, his comedy racket nets him lots of love-love.


Funny dog prefers peanut butter or bacon cookies, but he realizes that fortune cookies are rich sources of humor.

    Lucky dogs know human is dog's best friend, and lucky humans know dog is man's best friend. My dog and I are both so lucky!  

More Funny Dog Jokes 12345 6789101112

Wait... It Sniffs Funny Over Here, Too!

Less Traveled Trails to Funny Dogs, Cat Jokes, Pet Riddles, Birthday Humor:

Dog Breed JokesCat vs Dog HumorParrot PunsAnimal FAQsHappy Purr-Day
Bearly FunnyGood SignsCosmic SmartsWise WordsMewy Holidays!
Funny Dog RiddlesCandid Cat AnswersBird JokesHappy Birthday, Human!

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