Dog Breed Joke: What do you get if you cross a dog and a cruciferous veggie? Jack Brussel Terrier! - Dog Jokes, Canine Humor, Arfing Funny! - Home Page
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Funny dog comedian and howl-larious canine pals eat up Howling Good Times, woof down funny riddles, dig dog food humor and drool over funny jokes that feed your funny bone.

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Delicious Dog Food Jokes & Tasty Canine Comedy Treats Memes

Mimi's Kitchen: Funny Dog Food Jokes 21
Yummy Dog Food Jokes to Eat Up, Canine Humor Treats, Dog Riddles to Drool About. Good Dog!
Woofing Funny Dog Jokes 12345 6789101112

Dog Humor: What treat does a dog comedian enjoy? A Funny Bone! Give a Dog a Bone?
Playful Pup Says: Kleenex is Delicious Snotty Dog Jokes
Dog Joke: How do you make a sled dog fast? Just don't feed him! Quick Snow Dog Bites

Dogs are born with 319 skeletal bones and an infinite sense of humor. Give a dog a bone of a straight line, and he'll bury it with punch lines.


Cats and puppies also agree that toilet paper, a whole roll of it, is the most fun pet toy to dig their teeth into. Dogs are smart enough to frame their plush kitty toy for the incident.

    Not a snow dog joke to drool over, but the cat thought it was hilarious. PETA did not think this was funny at all... Neither did the dog food companies.  

Playful Pup Says: Sometimes I eat dirt, just to see that look on your face. Dirty Dog Jokes?
Pug in Bee Costume Says: I Bee hot on the trail to Halloween Treats! Pugs Do Like Treats!
Laughing Dog Says: Sometimes I eat poop just to see that look on your face. Sh*tty Dog Jokes

Recycling and going green, doggie style. Plus, that earthworm was really tasty and the composting (whatever that was?) smelled irresistible! It did pica my appetite.


Pugs bee liking Halloween for so many reasons: treats, tricks, treats, tricks, treats, tricks... 

    After a crappy meal, how long should you wait until you let your dog kiss you again? Yeah, we're all too embarrassed to ask the vet that question. Ew.  

Dog Wearing Vampire Cape Says: When I ate garlic, my bark was worse than my bite! Halloween Dog Jokes Suck
Sick Dog Joke: I never eat the cat's food before she eats it, or after she throws up. Delcious Doggie Humor
Dog Wearing Witch Costumer Warns: Chocolate is poisonous dogs! How scary is that? Scary Halloween for Dogs!

Halloween is in the air! Dracula dog protects you and the treats from zombies?


Funny dogs eat up the laughter, but well-mannered dogs are obedient and have terrific table manners!

    This is NOT a joke: Chocolate IS Poisonous to Dogs! So please enjoy your Halloween booty, but don't share it with your dog!  

More Funny Dog Jokes 12345 6789101112

Wait... It Sniffs Funny Over Here, Too!

Less Traveled Trails to Funny Dogs, Cat Jokes, Pet Riddles, Birthday Humor:

Dog Breed JokesCat vs Dog HumorParrot PunsAnimal FAQsHappy Purr-Day
Bearly FunnyGood SignsCosmic SmartsWise WordsMewy Holidays!
Funny Dog RiddlesCandid Cat AnswersBird JokesHappy Birthday, Human!

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